Thursday, 26 December 2013

The Train

The Train
(Part 2)

When loading our train, there are two very important points: 

We might be sending our goods, but without Niyyat. Then it is like we are sending lifeless bodies. Like sending a Hoor without life, or food that has gone off.

And if there is no concentration, then it is like we have made the form of the thing, but inside there is no weight. You are sending empty cartons. The actual thing; the inner qualities; are not there. If there is no concentration/devotion, then it's just quantity, the coaches are overflowing with the big boxes and cartons, but they are going empty.

So every person's train is moving all the time and every person is on the platform with everything available. He can be sending good things, he can be sending bad things, he can be letting his train go empty, or he can be sending it with goods that will be offloaded before it reaches the destination. 

So we should consider this all the time. And if we just think of this, in sha Allah we can make our time of Dunya valuable. And it is all only for one's own benefit. When we go into the Qabr, nobody else is going to benefit, we will benefit from what we have sent to our Qabr. 

Some of us have only come with 20 coaches/40 coaches. But even if  a person has one coach which he fills up properly, with the right things; and one person with 100 coaches, but sending them empty or with all scorpions and snakes, then what will happen to that person? 

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

The Train

The Train

(Part 1)

Hadhrat Moulana DB mentions a most beautiful example which ought to be deeply pondered upon:

When we are born, it is like our engine has now come on the railway line. The train is going to Aakhira.
We are the engine and we each have our own train to stock up. The number of coaches we are to load up with goods, are the number of years we are to live for. So we are on the platform and busy filling the goods onto the train all the time.  

We will find that each coach has twelve departments (for each month of the year) which is then divided into thirty departments (for each day of the month) then each of the thirty departments has got again twenty four parts (for each hour in the day) which is then divided into sixty parts (for the minutes) and then further into other sixty parts (for the seconds). And we are filling all the time.

Now we need to see, what are we filling into our coaches? If we are letting the train go empty; we are doing nothing; our train is going empty. If we are filling it with dunya, then that goods will be offloaded before it reaches our destination; the QABR. All the dunya will stay behind. If we are comitting sins, we are transporting and sending to our Qabr snakes and scorpions, fire and punishment of the Malaa'ikah. 

However, if we are filling good deeds into the coaches then we are sending roses, flowers, beautiul mansions and beautiful houses, the Hoorul Een, and all the enjoyments of Jannat. 

So all the time we are sending; every moment, whether we awake or sleeping. The train is moving and we are either filling it or letting it go empty. For example you sleep whole night. Now you can make the intention that i'm sleeping so that my body can regain it's vigour and it's strength again, and you sleep according to Sunnat. And how much more Sunnats you practice upon so much more you filling in your train, while you are sleeping also.

Or you going to work, from eight till six, you in the shop, work etc., but you made your Niyyah right, then though you in Dunya but you still sending; filling up. And if the Niyyat is only Dunya and you didn't transfer it; use it for good causes; then the train will offload it before it goes into the Qabr.

In the end, we will be sitting in the last coach and whatever we have sent front, that we are going to get. 

A person must see all the time, what am I sending?

Monday, 23 December 2013

The Month of Safar

The Month of Safar

Many people have wrong beliefs with regards to the month of Safar. We should understand that all problems in life are because of our own doing. When Imaan is weak then all this comes in. A person with Imaan has his connection with Allah Ta'ala and it is set firm in his heart that nothing can happen but with the will of Allah Ta'ala.

Understand that Jinn are more afraid of you. Only if you interfere then they come and defend themselves. Put your trust solely on Allah Ta'ala. If someone did make jadoo then Tilaawat of the Qur'aan and performance of Salaat is enough, you should also try to remain paak all the time. In sha Allah nothing can happen.

However, the best treatment will be to: BUILD YOUR IMAAN.

Nabi sallAllahu alayhi wasallam sated CLEARLY----" Laa 'adwa": NO CONTAGIOUS DISEASES.
We should also understand here that there is no such a thing as "hereditary diseases". What is hereditary is the eating habits in the family. The disease itself isn't.
The Sahaaba radhiAllahu anhum asked Rasoolullah salAllahu alayhi wasallam with regards to a group of diseased camels. So Nabi sallAllahu alayhi wasallam asked them, as to where the first camel got the disease from??? 

Everything is from Allah Ta'ala, in today's times the typhoons, droughts, floods, they are not "natural disasters", all come from none but Allah Ta'ala. And this all happens on account of our deeds. 

We have to realise that bad luck is only from ourselves. As you do, so you will get. You don't believe this? Do! then see! There is a Jannah and Jahannum, if you don't believe this, die! then you'll see!

The next part of the hadeeth:"la tiyara"----NO (BAD OMENS FROM) BIRDS. In the previous times the Arabs would make a bird fly- then they would see, if it flew to the right then it meant that it was good and if it flew to the left then it was not going to be good. They would rely on this. Nabi salaAllahu alayhi wasallam negated this completely. What does the flying of a bird got to do with the outcome of our matters? What we should do is read our Duaas; 

بسم الله الذي لا يضر مع اسمه شيء في الأرض ولا في السماء 

وهو السميع العليم

Bismillahillathi la yadhurru ma'asmihi shai'un fil ardhi walaa fissama'i, Wa huwas Sami' ul 'Aleem.
In the name of Allah, by whose name nothing is harmed! Neither on earth nor in the heavens and He is the all-Seeing, the all-Knowing.

We shouldn't be negative in anyway, a Muslim should be positive in all. A strong Mu'min is better than a weak one.
Then Rasoolullah salAllahu alayHi wasallam said, "la haamma"--NO OWL (with regards to superstitions).

The lesson for us in this month is that we Muslims should not be weak. We've got our 3 Quls, Ayatul Kursi, Qur'aan Shareef---all this is enough for complete protection. May Allah Ta'ala protect us, Aameen.

Allah's Pleasure

Allah's Pleasure

The displeasure of Allaah Ta'ala is worse than the fire of Jahannum and the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala is better than the pleasure of Jannah. All enjoyments are secondary, and the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala is fundamental. If Allah Ta'ala is displeased, then everything goes wrong, and that is the worst thing.

The thought should come; that "is Allaah happy with me?" 
We should repeat the Duaa of Rasoolullah sallAllahu allay hi wasallam; " wa lakal 'utba hatta tardha"; that I will keep on pleading and begging till You become pleased with me. 

Think: O Allah I'm walking, hearing, seeing everything. Make shukr to Allah Ta'ala for all this.
"Bihamdikan saraftu wa bithambi'taraftu"(with Your praise i follow my way and i confess my sins) O Allah I ask your pleasure only, I have no desire for dunya. I seek Your forgiveness on the Day of Qiyaamah.

Make these Duaas with feeling and understanding. 
May AllahTa'ala grant us the taufeeq, Aameen.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Fire of Love

True Love

We have to want to find Allaah Ta'aala as well as be sincere in this quest, then we'll see how Allaah Ta'aala comes into our hearts.

In our Kalima of Tauheed, the words "La Ilaaha" (there is NO Diety) come first then "illAllaah" (except Allaah), but if you think about it; Allaah should come first. So why is this such?

The reason is that first we have to take out all the filth from our hearts. How dirty our hearts are inside; how can we ever expect Allaah Ta'aala--who is Subhaan (Pure)--to come into our hearts?
When we say "Laa Ilaaha" try to take out all gunas. Clean your heart up. Then put Allaah Subhaan waTa'aala in.

We got to just put the matchstick of love in our hearts. Connect to one whose heart is already burning with the love of Allaah Ta'aala.

Hadhrat Shams Tabrezi Rahmatullah alayh made Duaa to Allaha Ta'aala; He did not want to die with this fire of love, he needed to transfer it to someone else first. So He went along as a rice soon as His eyes met with Hadhrat Jalaaluddeen Rumi Rahmatullah alayh's eyes.....there and then the pure love of Allaah Ta'ala; which started as a ball of fire of love of Allah Ta'aala; was transferred to the heart of Moulana Jalaaluddeeen Rumi Rahmatullah alayh. From here what was brought forth?  Thousands of lines of poetry inspired by Allaah Ta'aala--The Mathnawi Shareef. 

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


Morning Duaa

Hadhrat Moulana Daamat Barakaatuhum teaches us a beautiful Duaa to read every morning:

الْحَمْدُ لِلّهِ الَّذِي أَقَالَنَا يَوْمَنَا هَذَا وَ لَمْ يُهْلِكْنَا بِذُنُوبِنَا
All praise be to Allah who has forgiven us today and not destroyed us due to our sins.

We should recognise Allaah Ta'aala. Allaah You took me safely and brought me.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Our Bowl

Our Bowl

Together with the effort we make on this path,  Duaa is also very necessary. Allah Ta'ala takes charge of ones Tazkiyyah (purification). We have to make effort according to what is within our capabilities. The one who turns to Allah Ta'aala, Allah Ta'aala pulls him towards Him. Du'aa is a Great weapon.

All of us are registered Faqirs and we can't come out of that. All people; with whatever intellect they have. A beggar needs his begging bowl to beg. We are 24 hour Faqirs and we have our  begging bowls with us all the time. Just put your hands together. Allah Ta'aala gave every person this special bowl.

The correct Aadaab when using this bowl; is to keep it in front of our chest with a little gap in between so Allah Ta'aala can see that this is a broken bowl and if He puts little all will fall out, so Allah Ta'ala has to fill up our bowls to their brims. 

 Now if we look at our palms (look into your bowl), we will see the two numbers (in Arabic) 81 and 18. Try adding these two numbers and we get 99 which is the number of the Beautiful Names of Allah Ta'aala. So here Allah Ta'aala gave us the keyboard of His Names, all 99 switches in our hands. So whatever problem you've got, just press the correct button. Whichever one you press Allaah Ta'aala's Tajalli of that quality focuses on you. So if you say 'Ya Ghaffaaru, Ya Ghaffaaru, Ya Ghaffaaru' then Allah Ta'aala's quality of forgiveness focuses on you. If one wants to be hidden and not seen and he recites 'Ya Baatinu (one who is hidden), Ya Baatinu,  Ya Baatinu' then he will be hidden away.

Then coming back to these two numbers, if you subtract 18 from 81 you will get 63, which was the age of our Beloved Rasul SalAllahu alayHi wasallam when He salAllahu alayHi wasallam left this world. So we got to bring the Sunnats of Rasulullah salAllahu alayHi wasallam in our lives.
Just be sincere to Allah Ta'ala. Allah Ta'aala will make us experience Jannah in this life of Dunya. May Allaha Ta'ala grant us all the Taufeeq, Aameen.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Cure for sinning

Want to Sin???

Someone; plagued by sin; come to Hadhrat Ibrahim bin Adham Rahmatullah alayh.
The following five advices (something to this effect); to easily come out of sin; were given:

Think of HIM Jalla JalaaluHu
* Whenever you think of committing a sin, then don't eat from Allah Ta'ala's rozi (sustenance)
* Whenever you want to commit a sin, then don't commit it on the earth of Allah Ta'ala, it is the height of ingratitude, so rather go out of Allah Ta'ala's earth.
* Think: You want to stay in His house and disobey Him?! In front of Allah Ta'ala you want to commit that which will displease Him?!? Go to such a place where Allah Ta'ala can't see you.  
* Then when Malakul Maut; The Angel of Death; will come, ask Him for respite so that you can make Taubah
* And on the Day of Qiyaamah, when the Angel will take you to Jahannum, ask Him to have mercy on you and spare you.

The person made Taubah, never committed sin and made 'Ibaadah His whole life.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

The Downs in Life

The Downs In Life

When a person realises that "I am faulty, I am the worst of all"; when he thinks low of himself, then Allah Ta'ala loves this. When a person realises "I'm wrong", then this is actually progress.

The downs in life--any problem or something which goes against our comfort and pleasure; is because of our sins. What goes wrong in our lives--realise--it is the result of something wrong we did. Things don't happen just like that, there is a reason behind it's happening.

However for the pious Auliyaa, Allah Ta'ala tests them with difficulty, hardship and problems. And as a result of this, their ranks are raised.

So when we experience problems, we should look at ourselves and check, "what am I doing to displease my Creator?" It is only because of my evil that Allah has placed me in such a situation. I need to rectify myself.

Sins are worse than urine and stool. But you can flush it down--then all is clean. When we commit sins, we are inviting the Athaab-the punishment-of Allah Ta'ala. How can we EVER find the enjoyment of Halaal in Haraam?!?!?

But when we see others in problem and difficulty then we should have Husn Thann---good thoughts---about them. That Allah Ta'ala loves them and is testing them like this, so that their ranks may be  raised.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

New Year

What to do this New Year

 Alhamdulillah, We have entered into the new Islaamic year, 1435.
One great Sunnat which we can all practice on now, is to take stock of ourselves (muhaasabah). In school at the end of the year there is exams, a businessman will also draw up his balance sheet to see how the year went, in our houses too, we take stock of everything. Similarly, we have to take stock of the greatest thing---that is--- what is our position with regards to the Aakhirah; how will I be on the Day of Qiyaamah?

Will we be able to answer the 3 questions posed to us in the grave?

1. Who is your Rabb?---He is our Sustainer and Provider. Is the yaqeen really in our hearts that Allah is our Sole Provider? We think: I am running the house, shop. If I'm not here what will happen?
Moulana mentions the story of a dog sleeping under a train. He gets up just as the train is about to leave, "oh!" he thinks, "I'm controlling the train, I got up and now it's starting." Then the dog starts to walk; he is still a bit sleepy; so slowly he walks. The train also starts off slowly. Then he freshens up a bit, picks up pace; the train also starts going faster now. "Oh!" the dog thinks, "I'm controlling the train, I'm running now so the train is also speeding up."
Then what happens? The poor dog gets tired, his tongue wags out, he becomes exhausted. The train can still go on for miles and miles. So the dog wasn't controlling the train.
We are like that dog; we think that everything happens because of us, but in actual fact, Allah Ta'ala is the Sole Doer, and everything happens because of Allah Ta'ala. No matter who dies or what happens, everything will still carry on; the children, wife, house, shop; everything and everyone will carry on.

2. What is your Deen?---not the name of your Deen but in reality, your WAY OF LIFE. Deen is what we have got.

3. What do you have to say about this Man (sallAllahu alayHi wasallam)?---if we have truly the Sunnats of Rasoolullaah sallAllahu alayHi wasallam in our lives, then we will be able to answer question three.

So now we have to check ourselves. What will be my position on the Day of Qiyaamah?
For at least half a minute before sleeping, ponder: what will be my condition when Malakul Maut comes to me?
Nothing is going to help me; on the Day of Qiyaamah our good A'maal will come in good forms while our bad A'maal will come in an evil forms. Make Muraaqabah that it's the Day of Qiyaamah.

Muhaasabah is enough to change your life. Sahaba radhiyAllahu anhum used to spend the whole night in Muhaasabah. Half a minute is enough.

How to do it? Stay in the company of the pious. They prepare the formula and give it to us.

Who made muhaasabah of this year? How many habits changed?
On a weekly, monthly, annual basis make Muhaasabaah, you will become a great Wali.
The whole of  Deen gives so much in return and no big effort is required. May Allah Ta'aalah grant us all the Taufeeq, Aameen.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Safety from Hidden shirk

A Dangerous Disease

There are two diseases which a very few people are saved from. Even the pious are caught up in it. They are:
*Shirk-e-Khafi (minor shirk)--doing things for show. 

More faster and deeper than a black ant crawling on a black stone on a black dark night Riya kari {to do things for show} comes into a person. It enters so subtly; in everything. A man might just mention to his wife that he gave a R10 to a poor beggar. He wants her to praise him, that's all. Riya kari is very very hidden and is a very dangerous disease. A person himself doesn't know. He sells his A'maal for little praise.

Until you don't come in the company of the pious you won't get sincerity. 

So Abu Bakr RadhiyAllahu anhu asked Rasoolullah SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam as to what is the way out(how to be saved from this?)Rasoolullah SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam taught Him a Dua so that we may be saved from the little of it and from the lot of it, from the big of it and from the small of it.

اللَّهُمَّ اِنِّي اَعُوْذُ بِكَ اَنْ اُشْرِكَ بِكَ وَ اَنَا اَعْلَمُ وَ اَسْتَغْفِرُكَ لِمَا لَا اَعْلَمُ
"O Allah, I seek protection in You from that I ascribe partners to You knowingly and i seek forgiveness from You for those things which i do not know"

Sometimes nafs overpowers you and you do want praises. Sometimes you do it knowingly and sometimes you don't even realise.
A person who reads this regularly will have guranteed safety from shirk, inshaAllah Make sure to make it a point to read this Dua every day.
May Allah Ta'ala grant us the Taufiq, Aameen.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Great Days

Great Ibaadaat for these Days

We have now entered into the blessed days of Thul-Hijja. Most Hajees are in Ihraam now, we are to copy them in a way--we should not cut nails or remove hair till our Qurbaani is made.

Allah Ta'ala does not love to be worshipped more in any other days, than in theses first ten days of Thul-Hijja. Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abbas (Radhiallahu Anhu) reports that Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “There is no virtuous deed carried out in any day of the year that can be equal to the reward of (that  virtuous deed) carried out in these ten days of Dhul Hijja”. The Sahabah asked, “Not even Jihaad?” Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) replied, “Not even Jihaad, except for the one who endangers his life and wealth (in Jihad) and does not return with anything (i.e. the Jihad carried out in the ten days of Dhul Hijja is more virtuous than Jihad during the rest of the year except for that Mujaahid  
who gains martyrdom)

The greatest wazifa for these days is the fourth kalima in abundance. All the Ambiyaa (alayhimusalaam) would read it. In a Hadeeth--the Ibaadah for these days is the recitation of the third Kalima.

Each fast during these first 10 days of Thul Hijja is equal to one year's fast. If you can not keep all then try your best to keep the fast of the ninth of Thul-Hijja, as sins of one past year and one future year are forgiven. 

The reward of the Ibaadah in these nights are equal to the reward of Ibaadah of Laylatul Qadr. Minimum Ibaadah--read Esha and Fajr Salaah with Jamaat. Try and perform Tahajjud after the Esha Salaah. Try performing Salaatut Tasbeeh.
May Allah Ta'ala grant us the ability, Aameen.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013


Assalaamu alaykum...
Before starting the day, one should make Niyyah (intention) that he will make Salaam to as many people as possible. One who makes salaam with twenty people then passes away on that day will enter Jannat. By just making the Niyyah one will get rewarded whether one greeted the twenty people or not.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Benefit of this Silsila

Benefit of The Silsilah

In this weeks Tuesday majliis, Moulana Daamat Barakatuhum mentioned that Haji Imdaadullah RahmatullahAlayh made Dua that whoever enters into this silsila Allah Ta'ala should give them a good Maut (death).
Alhamdulillah the acceptance of this Dua has been clearly shown; Our Friend Moulana Ahmed Seedat (known for his excellent recitations) passed away last Friday. 
SubhanAllah! and what a death! About fifteen to twenty minutes before leaving this world, Moulana was repeating the Kalima-As'hadu allaa Ilaha IlAllah....Then Moulana raised his hands and said {something to this effect} "where are you going, take me with you" Moulana's Mother then said something to which Moulana replied with an answer which clearly showed that there was a third-party present. Who could this have been? Allah alone knows but it appears as if Moulana was conversing with the Angels! SubhanAllah! and to complete the excellence; it was The Mubaarak day of Jumu'ah! 
Allahu Akbar! Allah is truly the Greatest!

May Allah Ta'ala bless us all with such a Wonderful Ending too. May Allah Ta'ala raise Moulana Ahmad's ranks  and elevate Moulana's status, May Allah Ta'ala transform his grave into a garden from the Gardens of Jannah, and grant Moulana's family a good reward and sweet patience. Aameen, thumma Aameen.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

A Priceless Supplication...

A Priceless Dua

The greatest Dua to make is Duaa for Aafiyah, Moulana instructs us to recite the folowing Duaa daily:

اللّهمّ اِنِّي اَسْئَلُكَ الْعَفْوَ وَالْعَافِيَةَ وَالْمُعَافَاتِ ادَّائِمَةَ فِي الدِّيْنِ وَ الدُّنْيَا وَالآخِرَةِ

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


Sacrificing our Desires
When you sacrifice yourself for Allah, your sins fall off like leaves falling off the trees in autumn, you don't even need to shake the branch. Sins will just fall away and you will develop dislike for it. You won't enjoy associating with the kuffaar, you'll hate it and will have to force yourself to do business with them.
There will be pleasure in giving up sin and it will no more be Mujaahada.

We have to sacrifice our haraam desires  and the desires of our wives and children. Like let's say your child wants a play station-and it was brought to Moulanas attention when Moulana was in Cape Town- there is a game where you have to kick at a book, whoever kicks  the most will get more points and when you look at the book closely , it is actually the Qur'aan Shareef. In other games you have to kill and when you see it is Muslims that you have to kill. In another game there is a sound , a sound which is a big nuisance, when you hear closely it is the Athaan. These games are not so innocent, and to keep our children busy they are poison, putting hatred for Islam  like this without even us realising.

 Dajjaal will come like the Pied Piper of Hamelin, if we didn't prepare ourselves we will just follow.
Your kids, you have to be with them, family is not instruction of laws on the fridge, you have to do this, you can't do that, no a family must be together, as one.  Giving haraam clothes and toys is not love, true love is that you save them from the fire. 
May Allah make us understand the reality of this, Aameen.

Monday, 3 June 2013

A loss indeed...

إنَّا لِلّهِ و إنَّا إليهِ راجِعُون

We have indeed suffered a tremendous loss.
Yesterday, 2nd June, 23 Rajab, after Maghrib , Hazrat wala, Shaikh ul arab wal Ajam, Arif billah Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (Rahmatullah Alayh)  departed from this world and returned to His Beloved Master and Creator; after several years of sickness; in Karachi Pakistan.

This was the Beloved Sheikh of our Hazrat Moulana abdulHameed (Daamat Barakaatuhum). Moulana was in Cape Town and gave heart-rendering Naseehat spurred by this incident, which truly should make us all ponder.
To listen, click on the following link:

Hereunder we also present Hazratwala's (Rahmatullah Alayh) humble yet profound Wasiyya , just so that we may ponder. What a great Man, what a great Wali He (Rahmatullah alayh) was.

May Allah Ta'ala bless Hazrat (Rahmatullah Alayh) and grant Him the highest stages in Jannah. May Allah elevate His ranks and stages and grant Him eternal bliss and happiness.May Allah be pleased with Hazrat, and may Hazrat be pleased with Allah Azza wa Jall. 
May Allah also enable us all to follow in Haratwala's (Rahmatullah Alayh) footsteps and carry on His mission. May Allah bless us too with that priceless love which Hazratwala had, which turned dust into something so valuable, more valuable than gemstones and rubies and diamonds. That which is given only By His grace and mercy, on whomsoever He wills, O Allah! Do make us amongst them! Grant us that love which dwelled in Hazrat's heart making Him ever so precious and valuable, bringing to Him so much honour and respect, and most important of all, Your Divine Pleasure. Ya Allah! Light up the flames of Your Love in our hearts and use us to light up others hearts too, Ya Allah, grant us eternal success, make it such that whatever we do, we only do it for Your pleasure, make us understand the reality of this world and make us work for our Aakhirat, and O Allah, make us prepare for the day when death shall overtake us, verily that is something that we can never escape from. Ya Allah! make us desirous of maut, make us want to drink from the cup of death, so that we may meet with You , oh our Beloved Master, make it a day that a beloved will meet his Beloved. 
Ya Allah, bless us, have mercy on us and please accept us, we are totally unworthy, but You are so merciful and Kind, please do not reject us.
 ربّنا تقبّل مِنّا اِنّكَ اَنتَ السّميعُ العليم و تُبْ علينا اِنَّكَ انْتَ التّوّابُ الرّحِيم
 Aameen, Ya Rabbal Aalameen.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Our OWN country

Our Country

Moulana gives an explanation on the following Hadeeth: A person who makes one Sunnah of mine alive (practices on it), when there is fitna in the Ummah, will get a reward of hundred Shaheeds (Martyrs). 
If we really want to bring Islam alive, we should practice on Sunnah. People all over; in Pakistan protesting, they want Islamic laws in the country, want Islam to come alive; all that; the way to do it is simple: 
Understand: your body is like a country with different provinces; your eyes are one province, your ears, your mouth , your heart, your tongue are all provinces  in this country. You are the sole Prime Minister of it. There are no elections also and no oppositions. So if you bring Islam alive in all parts of your body, then Islam will come alive in the world.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013


Rajab-The month of Me'raj

The month of Rajab is associated with Me'raj. The crux of Me'raj is the most important ibaadah-Salaah. Every other command ; even Imaan; was made Fardh on the farsh (earth), however Salaah was made fardh by the Arsh (throne of Allah Ta'ala). If we make our Namaaz correctly, it is our Me'raj.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Find Allah...

Find Allah....Love Allah...Jannah!

Those who found Love of Allah Ta'ala, all their problems are gone. They are free of worries because Allah Jalla Jalaaluhu will attend to all their worries, Allah Jalla Jalaaluhu takes over their affairs completely.

If you found Allah , you have found everything and if you ask for Allah, you ask for everything, becauase Allah Jalla Jalaaluhu IS everything.
Allah wants us to find him, but you have to be really desperate, then only will you find Allah. Tests will come, but Allah won't give you something you can't handle. Allah Ta'ala gives you a test that you CAN pass.
So strive...and when you do find Allah Ta'ala, you will experience Jannah in your heart!!   

Monday, 6 May 2013


Moulana explains that Durood is way of thanking Rasoolullah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, who is a mercy to us. If it weren't for him we would have not been in existence even. We should make an
effort to recite as much durood as possible, we should not be stingy, when we hear then recite durood upon Him (salAllahu alayhi wa sallam).

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Quraan Kareem

Qur'aan Kareem

Nowadays people use the Qur'aan for competitions, entertainment; actually the recitation of the Qur'aan Kareem is to soften the heart. Moulana advises us to use itr before reading Qur'aan.
Read with feeling and then it will have an effect on you; whether you have an undertanding or not.
When reciting the Qur'aan Shareef one should make the following intentions:
* Ibaadah- Qur'aan is one of the greatest forms of Ibaadah
* Earning thawaab for the Aakhira
* For Hidaaya (guidance)
* Gaining closeness to Allah Ta'ala- this is the greatest thikr
* If one is a Haafidh, then keeping dhor- keeping hifdh in order
How ever many niyyats you made thats the amount of thawaab you'll get.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013



Moulana explains: When you throw a stone at a low animal such as a dog, it even knows that he should fight with you, the thrower of the stone, not with the stone. So, when problems come, we should realise that it is from Allah Ta'ala just as the dog was intelligent enough to realise who is behind the stone.