Thursday, 14 November 2013

New Year

What to do this New Year

 Alhamdulillah, We have entered into the new Islaamic year, 1435.
One great Sunnat which we can all practice on now, is to take stock of ourselves (muhaasabah). In school at the end of the year there is exams, a businessman will also draw up his balance sheet to see how the year went, in our houses too, we take stock of everything. Similarly, we have to take stock of the greatest thing---that is--- what is our position with regards to the Aakhirah; how will I be on the Day of Qiyaamah?

Will we be able to answer the 3 questions posed to us in the grave?

1. Who is your Rabb?---He is our Sustainer and Provider. Is the yaqeen really in our hearts that Allah is our Sole Provider? We think: I am running the house, shop. If I'm not here what will happen?
Moulana mentions the story of a dog sleeping under a train. He gets up just as the train is about to leave, "oh!" he thinks, "I'm controlling the train, I got up and now it's starting." Then the dog starts to walk; he is still a bit sleepy; so slowly he walks. The train also starts off slowly. Then he freshens up a bit, picks up pace; the train also starts going faster now. "Oh!" the dog thinks, "I'm controlling the train, I'm running now so the train is also speeding up."
Then what happens? The poor dog gets tired, his tongue wags out, he becomes exhausted. The train can still go on for miles and miles. So the dog wasn't controlling the train.
We are like that dog; we think that everything happens because of us, but in actual fact, Allah Ta'ala is the Sole Doer, and everything happens because of Allah Ta'ala. No matter who dies or what happens, everything will still carry on; the children, wife, house, shop; everything and everyone will carry on.

2. What is your Deen?---not the name of your Deen but in reality, your WAY OF LIFE. Deen is what we have got.

3. What do you have to say about this Man (sallAllahu alayHi wasallam)?---if we have truly the Sunnats of Rasoolullaah sallAllahu alayHi wasallam in our lives, then we will be able to answer question three.

So now we have to check ourselves. What will be my position on the Day of Qiyaamah?
For at least half a minute before sleeping, ponder: what will be my condition when Malakul Maut comes to me?
Nothing is going to help me; on the Day of Qiyaamah our good A'maal will come in good forms while our bad A'maal will come in an evil forms. Make Muraaqabah that it's the Day of Qiyaamah.

Muhaasabah is enough to change your life. Sahaba radhiyAllahu anhum used to spend the whole night in Muhaasabah. Half a minute is enough.

How to do it? Stay in the company of the pious. They prepare the formula and give it to us.

Who made muhaasabah of this year? How many habits changed?
On a weekly, monthly, annual basis make Muhaasabaah, you will become a great Wali.
The whole of  Deen gives so much in return and no big effort is required. May Allah Ta'aalah grant us all the Taufeeq, Aameen.

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