Monday, 25 November 2013

Our Bowl

Our Bowl

Together with the effort we make on this path,  Duaa is also very necessary. Allah Ta'ala takes charge of ones Tazkiyyah (purification). We have to make effort according to what is within our capabilities. The one who turns to Allah Ta'aala, Allah Ta'aala pulls him towards Him. Du'aa is a Great weapon.

All of us are registered Faqirs and we can't come out of that. All people; with whatever intellect they have. A beggar needs his begging bowl to beg. We are 24 hour Faqirs and we have our  begging bowls with us all the time. Just put your hands together. Allah Ta'aala gave every person this special bowl.

The correct Aadaab when using this bowl; is to keep it in front of our chest with a little gap in between so Allah Ta'aala can see that this is a broken bowl and if He puts little all will fall out, so Allah Ta'ala has to fill up our bowls to their brims. 

 Now if we look at our palms (look into your bowl), we will see the two numbers (in Arabic) 81 and 18. Try adding these two numbers and we get 99 which is the number of the Beautiful Names of Allah Ta'aala. So here Allah Ta'aala gave us the keyboard of His Names, all 99 switches in our hands. So whatever problem you've got, just press the correct button. Whichever one you press Allaah Ta'aala's Tajalli of that quality focuses on you. So if you say 'Ya Ghaffaaru, Ya Ghaffaaru, Ya Ghaffaaru' then Allah Ta'aala's quality of forgiveness focuses on you. If one wants to be hidden and not seen and he recites 'Ya Baatinu (one who is hidden), Ya Baatinu,  Ya Baatinu' then he will be hidden away.

Then coming back to these two numbers, if you subtract 18 from 81 you will get 63, which was the age of our Beloved Rasul SalAllahu alayHi wasallam when He salAllahu alayHi wasallam left this world. So we got to bring the Sunnats of Rasulullah salAllahu alayHi wasallam in our lives.
Just be sincere to Allah Ta'ala. Allah Ta'aala will make us experience Jannah in this life of Dunya. May Allaha Ta'ala grant us all the Taufeeq, Aameen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mash'a Allah this is a very interesting post. Jazakallah. I really enjoyed it.