Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Cure for sinning

Want to Sin???

Someone; plagued by sin; come to Hadhrat Ibrahim bin Adham Rahmatullah alayh.
The following five advices (something to this effect); to easily come out of sin; were given:

Think of HIM Jalla JalaaluHu
* Whenever you think of committing a sin, then don't eat from Allah Ta'ala's rozi (sustenance)
* Whenever you want to commit a sin, then don't commit it on the earth of Allah Ta'ala, it is the height of ingratitude, so rather go out of Allah Ta'ala's earth.
* Think: You want to stay in His house and disobey Him?! In front of Allah Ta'ala you want to commit that which will displease Him?!? Go to such a place where Allah Ta'ala can't see you.  
* Then when Malakul Maut; The Angel of Death; will come, ask Him for respite so that you can make Taubah
* And on the Day of Qiyaamah, when the Angel will take you to Jahannum, ask Him to have mercy on you and spare you.

The person made Taubah, never committed sin and made 'Ibaadah His whole life.

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