Friday 18 September 2015

Sunday 13 September 2015

It's not my decision!

Live a grief-free Life

Hadrat  Maulana  Abdul  Hamid  Saheb Daamat barakaatuhum explains that Allah Ta ala is that being who is the Rabb of the great Arsh (throne).

The throne of Allah is that place where  all  decisions  are  finalised,  such  as  the  increase  of  the  petrol price, the fluctuation of the rand dollar exchange, the decision made
by  any  judge  is  actually  made  there  and  then  implemented  in  the world etc.

If a person strengthens his bond and relationship with the owner of the Arsh, such a person will not suffer any form of grief. 

If a person realises that whatever occurrences or mishaps take place in one's life is in reality the decision of Allah Ta ala such a person will not waste his energy blaming others and fighting with others.

{Al-Akhtar magazine ed.5}

Friday 7 August 2015

Incident to take lesson from

Do not judge anyone

Imaam Ghazaali has written that a certain person passed away in a certain village. He was an evil person who would come home at one o’ clock in a state of intoxication. He was involved in every form of sin such as gambling, womanising, and every sin that one can imagine.

When he passed away, no one attended his Janaazah. Three days had passed in this manner. The wife then hired four labourers to take his body, give him Ghusl in the manner you know how to give Ghusl, If there is someone available to perform Janaazah Salaah then it should be performed else he should be buried without Janaazah. After giving him Ghusl, they took him to the Qabrastaan (graveyard).

Allah inspired a Buzurg of the time that there is a Wali of mine at the Qabrastaan (graveyard), go and perform his Janaazah Salaah. When he proceeded for the Janaazah, the people of the entire town went for the Janaazah Salaah. When they reached the graveyard, they saw this evil person. Nevertheless, they performed the Janaazah Salaah, buried him and proceeded to his house to enquire about him.

They said that we knew him to be a terrible person to such an extent that no person was prepared to perform his Janaazah Salaah. She said, “I also knew him to be such a person.” However, he had possessed two qualities within him. He always kept an orphan child in the house. Before he ate, the orphan must eat. He would purchase clothing for the orphan first and then for himself. The second quality that he possessed was that he would take a cold bath in the early hours of the morning (at the time of Tahajjud) and cry before Allah . He would say, “O llah, I am so bad, my Taubah breaks daily, which corner of Jahannam have you reserved for me?”

A person that makes Taubah and Istighfaar is not written as a sinner by Allah . We are involved in big sins yet we do not even consider them to be sin. So, on his Taubah, Allah had granted him a lofty position.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Jewel #2

Bismillahir Rahman Raheem

Stepping stone to adultery


Hadhrat دامت بركاته explains that if you listen to music even unintentionally it will have an effect on you. 
As Muslims we have to be conscious of this-- in today's time there is music everywhere you go; in buses, shops etc. 
music causes nifaaq (hypocrisy) to grow in the heart, so what are we doing to remove it's effects??

If a mirror is clean,  then one spot on it we can make out, but if the mirror is dirty then it makes no difference. and if our hearts are dirty on the inside, then how will Allah SubhaanaHu wa Ta'ala come into our hearts?

It is a saying of a Sahabi رضي الله عنه, that "music is the stepping stone to adultery " 

The Sahabah رضي الله عنهم would place their fingers in their ears when they passed by music played, if we can do this then Alhamdulillah  but Hadhrat دامت بركاته explains that we have to train ourselves not to acknowledge the music being played in our surroundings. It will take some effort but we can make ourselves such that we are just oblivious to the music when we are exposed to it outside. We can make Thikr etc. instead, concentrate on your work, there is no need to listen to the music.

May Allah Ta'ala grant us all the strength and Taufeeq and protect us from the harms and evil of music.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Saturday 18 July 2015

Object of visiting...

                        Object of Visiting the Graveyard

We should visit the graveyard on the Day of Jum'ah.

The object of visiting the graveyard is not to convey isaale thawaab- which can be done from anywhere, the object is to remind oneself of one's dream house.

How to: Become a Wali

How To: Become a Wali

To become a Waliyullah(Friend of Allah): Just make taubah.

Allah Ta'ala then puts the crown of Wilaayat, the crown of friendship on you. Now you just got to look after it, don't let it fall off, but then even if it does- no big worry, just make sincere taubah (then you'll get it back again!)

التائب حبيب الله ~The One Who Repents is the beloved of Allah. and
التائب من الذنب كمن لا ذنب له ~The One Who Repents from sin is like One Who Has Got No Sin on Him!

Learn the Love, Mercy and Kindness of Allah Ta'ala- and this is from the Friends of Allah Ta'ala.

May Allah Ta'ala grant us all the Taufeeq, 

Monday 25 May 2015

O You Saint!

Oh You Saint!

Every sinner got a future, don't ever write him off, give him a chance, let home get to his future.

And every saint has a past--you went to high school......
So don't be proud- you got a history.

Remedy for Pride

Remedy for pride: make shukr. ( thank Allah Ta'ala)

You see Takabbur(being proud) takes you far from Allah Ta'ala.  And 
Tashakkur(being thankful) takes you closer to Allah Ta'ala.
And so these two can't come together!

Takabbur is when you feel "I did" and "I achieved" and you truly didn't! You are claiming something without any right to.
And Tashakkur is when you feel that Allah Ta'ala did it, (and this is true, undoubtedly) so this is a simple answer for takabbur.

The Three Registers

The Three Registers

When a person dies, one of three registers are opened for him for his name to be entered in:

*the first register is the register of the kuffar, for whom there is total destruction.

*the second register is that of the Believers who committed gunas(sins) and did not make taubah(repent) from these sins, they will be punished first and then only will they reach Jannah.
For them will be humiliation on the Day of Qiyaamah.

*the third register is the one of the righteous and pious, who stayed away from gunas and if by chance fell in, they made taubah from all their gunas. 

Dua: O Allah, at all times, and at the time of Maut, let there be not one guns in my records. i am so bad i can't do one good but so many gunas, out of Your Mercy change all my gunas into good deeds.

~feeling very ashamed on presenting this very weak effort in trying to fulfill the desire of my Hadhrat daamat baraakaatuh, please overlook my weaknesses and shortcomings and O Allah please accept my broken efforts~

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Maaliki Yaumid Deen

Bi IsmiHi SubhaanaHu wa Ta'ala

We should always remember that Allah is the king of the day of Qiyaamah. He is not a Judge (Qaadhi) of the day of Qiyaamah. A judge that sits in court is bound to the law and the evidence that he gathers. He then issues a verdict accordingly. On the contrary the owner has the free will to do as he wishes without any restrictions whatsoever. He is not answer able to anyone. When Allah is the owner of the day of Qiyaamah then he has the ability to forgive whomsoever he wishes without being questioned. Another quality of Allah is that He is Most beneficient and Most merciful thus He forgives as He wishes, therefore we do not know the condition of another person.  

(From: The Importance of Istighfaar)

Clean and tidy Garden

Bi IsmiHi SubhaanaHu wa Ta'ala

Once Hadhrat  Maulana Abrarul- Haq Saheb had visited a certain person that owned a small piece of land in front of his house ,  which could have been used as a garden. This area was very untidy and not taken care of. The neighbours garden was well maintained. 

Hadhrat  Maulana commented  by  saying,  “This  person  hasn’t  employed  a gardener whereas the neighbour had employed a gardener therefore his garden is clean and tidy. 
Similarly, a person that has a Sheikh will have a Deen that is beautiful. If a person  does not have a Sheikh, then all the (spiritual) dirt will accumulate. When a person looks at the neighbour’s garden, he feels nice ,  as it is well maintained and beautiful. However, he will not enjoy looking at his garden as it is untidy and in ruins. 
Hadhrat  then explained that in worldly matters we endeavour for the best. A person wants the best clothing, car, house, etc. There is no harm in possessing the best clothing, car, house etc. However, much more important is that a person should have a Deen that is beautiful. Our recitation of Quraan Sharif should be beautiful. We should be concerned of our Deen.  

{From: The Importance of Protecting One's Tongue)

Friday 13 February 2015

Who's in charge?❓

Make your brains the master and make your passions the slave.
{Your brains should be slave of shari'ah}