Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Stepping stone to adultery


Hadhrat دامت بركاته explains that if you listen to music even unintentionally it will have an effect on you. 
As Muslims we have to be conscious of this-- in today's time there is music everywhere you go; in buses, shops etc. 
music causes nifaaq (hypocrisy) to grow in the heart, so what are we doing to remove it's effects??

If a mirror is clean,  then one spot on it we can make out, but if the mirror is dirty then it makes no difference. and if our hearts are dirty on the inside, then how will Allah SubhaanaHu wa Ta'ala come into our hearts?

It is a saying of a Sahabi رضي الله عنه, that "music is the stepping stone to adultery " 

The Sahabah رضي الله عنهم would place their fingers in their ears when they passed by music played, if we can do this then Alhamdulillah  but Hadhrat دامت بركاته explains that we have to train ourselves not to acknowledge the music being played in our surroundings. It will take some effort but we can make ourselves such that we are just oblivious to the music when we are exposed to it outside. We can make Thikr etc. instead, concentrate on your work, there is no need to listen to the music.

May Allah Ta'ala grant us all the strength and Taufeeq and protect us from the harms and evil of music.

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