Thursday, 29 August 2013

Benefit of this Silsila

Benefit of The Silsilah

In this weeks Tuesday majliis, Moulana Daamat Barakatuhum mentioned that Haji Imdaadullah RahmatullahAlayh made Dua that whoever enters into this silsila Allah Ta'ala should give them a good Maut (death).
Alhamdulillah the acceptance of this Dua has been clearly shown; Our Friend Moulana Ahmed Seedat (known for his excellent recitations) passed away last Friday. 
SubhanAllah! and what a death! About fifteen to twenty minutes before leaving this world, Moulana was repeating the Kalima-As'hadu allaa Ilaha IlAllah....Then Moulana raised his hands and said {something to this effect} "where are you going, take me with you" Moulana's Mother then said something to which Moulana replied with an answer which clearly showed that there was a third-party present. Who could this have been? Allah alone knows but it appears as if Moulana was conversing with the Angels! SubhanAllah! and to complete the excellence; it was The Mubaarak day of Jumu'ah! 
Allahu Akbar! Allah is truly the Greatest!

May Allah Ta'ala bless us all with such a Wonderful Ending too. May Allah Ta'ala raise Moulana Ahmad's ranks  and elevate Moulana's status, May Allah Ta'ala transform his grave into a garden from the Gardens of Jannah, and grant Moulana's family a good reward and sweet patience. Aameen, thumma Aameen.

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