Friday, 10 May 2013

Find Allah...

Find Allah....Love Allah...Jannah!

Those who found Love of Allah Ta'ala, all their problems are gone. They are free of worries because Allah Jalla Jalaaluhu will attend to all their worries, Allah Jalla Jalaaluhu takes over their affairs completely.

If you found Allah , you have found everything and if you ask for Allah, you ask for everything, becauase Allah Jalla Jalaaluhu IS everything.
Allah wants us to find him, but you have to be really desperate, then only will you find Allah. Tests will come, but Allah won't give you something you can't handle. Allah Ta'ala gives you a test that you CAN pass.
So strive...and when you do find Allah Ta'ala, you will experience Jannah in your heart!!   

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