True Love
We have to want to find Allaah Ta'aala as well as be sincere in this quest, then we'll see how Allaah Ta'aala comes into our hearts.
In our Kalima of Tauheed, the words "La Ilaaha" (there is NO Diety) come first then "illAllaah" (except Allaah), but if you think about it; Allaah should come first. So why is this such?
The reason is that first we have to take out all the filth from our hearts. How dirty our hearts are inside; how can we ever expect Allaah Ta'aala--who is Subhaan (Pure)--to come into our hearts?
When we say "Laa Ilaaha" try to take out all gunas. Clean your heart up. Then put Allaah Subhaan waTa'aala in.
We got to just put the matchstick of love in our hearts. Connect to one whose heart is already burning with the love of Allaah Ta'aala.
Hadhrat Shams Tabrezi Rahmatullah alayh made Duaa to Allaha Ta'aala; He did not want to die with this fire of love, he needed to transfer it to someone else first. So He went along as a rice soon as His eyes met with Hadhrat Jalaaluddeen Rumi Rahmatullah alayh's eyes.....there and then the pure love of Allaah Ta'ala; which started as a ball of fire of love of Allah Ta'aala; was transferred to the heart of Moulana Jalaaluddeeen Rumi Rahmatullah alayh. From here what was brought forth? Thousands of lines of poetry inspired by Allaah Ta'aala--The Mathnawi Shareef.