Spiritual Constipation?
(Part 1)
Hadhrat Moulana daamat barakaatuhum mentions the following incident of Hadhrat Moulana Shah Ashraf Ali Thanwi Rahmatullah alayh:Once Hadhrat Thanwi sat down to write replies to His letters, but he just couldn't, no answer was coming to His mind. Then Moulana wanted to write His Tafseer; Bayaanul Qur'aan. For that too, he remained blank; nothing was coming in His heart. Moulana just couldn't find anything to write.
So Hadhrat Thanwi became very emotional and stressed, experiencing spiritual constipation. No feeling; connection with Allah. So He turned to Allah Ta'ala; and He said (something to this effect): please whatever mistake I made, whatever shortage in anything, for what reason my heart's condition is not what it used to be, oh Allah give me a warning, where i've gone wrong and also make my Hidaayat.
Here we should take a lesson: when you find there is no connection with Allah Ta'ala and you don't feel in the mood to do 'Ibaadah, just want to lay around, or you not getting any enjoyment in your 'ibaadat, no enjoyment in Thikr then what you should do is turn to Allah Ta'ala. Fortunate is that person who when overcome by this condition; and it comes to everyone; he turns to Allah Ta'ala immediately.
Hadhrat Moulana Shah Hakeem Akhtar Rahmatullah alayh mentions a way of doing this (quoted from a Buzurg) it is to read "La ilaaha illa anta subhaanaka inni kuntu minathaalimeen" this is sufficient, otherwise if one can remember then the complete prescription is "Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyoom Ya laa ilaha illa anta subhaanaka inni kuntu minathaalimeen". This is really tauba and istighfaar, and it is this and Durood Shareef which will pull you out of this laziness, lethargy; spiritual constipation.
to be continued.....in sha Allahu Ta'ala....
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