Sunday, 26 January 2014

The 'Ibrat

Spiritual Constipation
(Part 3)

The important thing for us now is 'ibrat, the point of lesson: 

When the animals-fowls are given struggle and all Allah's Rahmat then stops coming on you; and this is the condition of treatment with animals; then those people who treat the creation of Allah-mankind{Muslim or even non-Muslim}, whether it's your worker or your wife {who is like a prisoner in your house, she's in your Nikaah and she can't run away if she wants to}, what will happen? or your parents especially when they are aged, they brought you up, they put you on your feet, they gave you your education, now they are old and you treat them in a bad way?! 

This is the cause of our problems in many many cases; treating other creation of Allah in a bad way and thinking we are better, this is where our problems come. So we have to be very careful. We have to make Taubah and where possible go ask those people for maaf, and where not possible, give some Sadaqa and pass the Thawaab to them {even if they are non-Muslim, they will get the benefit in Dunya}.

When just for the fowls that was the condition, then for these people what will be the condition??? Take a lesson!

Be very very careful in this, it is very important that we have respect for the creation of Allah Ta'ala.

May Allah Ta'ala assisst us all, Aameen.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Spiritual Constipation (Part 2)

Spiritual Constipation

(Part 2)

So anyway, Moulana Thanwi Rahmatullah alayh turned to Allah Ta'ala and Allah put it in His heart; that His elder wife had told Him of some need of hers; that she was going so she needed Him to do some of Her work.

She told Moulana that when he gets up in the morning, before He goes to the Khanqah, then He must open the fowls in the fowl run and give them their food and water, then He can carry on. So Hadhrat Moulana forgot; the writer of thousand kitaabs; where He is going to remember to open fowls and feed them?

So immediateley as Moulana remembered this He left the Khanqah and went home; personally; He did not send anyone. Here is a very important point: with things like this; do it yourself.
So Moulana went to open the fowls who were very uneasy and constrained in their fowl run, they were thirsty and hungry too. How happy they got then. And immediately that spiritual constipation, lethargy, not feeling anything, not understanding anything, all that conditions went away, as soon as He did that.
And again from Allah's side the subject matter just started flowing like a waterfall.

  to follow........... :the 'ibrat.....

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Spiritual Constipation

Spiritual Constipation? 

(Part 1)

Hadhrat Moulana daamat barakaatuhum mentions the following incident of Hadhrat Moulana Shah Ashraf Ali Thanwi Rahmatullah alayh:
Once Hadhrat Thanwi sat down to write replies to His letters, but he just couldn't, no answer was coming to His mind. Then Moulana wanted to write His Tafseer; Bayaanul Qur'aan. For that too, he remained blank; nothing was coming in His heart. Moulana just couldn't find anything to write.

So Hadhrat Thanwi became very emotional and stressed, experiencing spiritual constipation. No feeling; connection with Allah. So He turned to Allah Ta'ala; and He said (something to this effect): please whatever mistake I made, whatever shortage in anything, for what reason my heart's condition is not what it used to be, oh Allah give me a warning, where i've gone wrong and also make my Hidaayat.

Here we should take a lesson: when you find there is no connection with Allah Ta'ala and you don't feel in the mood to do 'Ibaadah, just want to lay around, or you not getting any enjoyment in your 'ibaadat, no enjoyment in Thikr then what you should do is turn to Allah Ta'ala. Fortunate is that person who when overcome by this condition; and it comes to everyone; he turns to Allah Ta'ala immediately.

Hadhrat Moulana Shah Hakeem Akhtar Rahmatullah alayh mentions a way of doing this (quoted from a Buzurg) it is to read "La ilaaha illa anta subhaanaka inni kuntu minathaalimeen" this is sufficient, otherwise if one can remember then the complete prescription is "Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyoom Ya laa ilaha illa anta subhaanaka inni kuntu minathaalimeen". This is really tauba and istighfaar, and it is this and Durood Shareef which will pull you out of this laziness, lethargy; spiritual constipation.

to be sha Allahu Ta'ala....

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Right of Rasoolullah salAllahu alayhi wasallam

A Great 'Ibaadat

One of the rights of Nabi-e-Kareem salAllahu alayhi wa sallam is Ziyaarat-e-Rasool (salAllahu alayhi wa sallam); which means to visit Nabi salAllahu alayhi wa sallam. We can travel the whole world, do everything, can't we make Ziyaarat of Nabi alayhi salaatu wassalaam?

At least once in a lifetime, one should go specially to visit our Nabi salAllahu alayhi wasallam. Not even with the intention of Umrah, but solely to visit Nabi salAllahu alayhi wa sallam; one may make Umrah by the way. 

 So to show your love, the Niyyat should be specifically to visit Nabi alayhis salaatu wassalaam. Imagine how happy would He (salAllahu alayhi wa sallam) get? that you came to meet and visit Him (salAllahu alayhi wasallam) specially. This Ziyaarat is a very great 'Ibaadat.
May Allah Ta'ala grant us all the Taufeeq, Aameen.

Monday, 6 January 2014



This special month of Rabi-ul-Awwal is the month wherein Rasoolullah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam was brought into this world. We usually spend this month in learning more about our Beloved Rasool salAllahu alayhi wasallam, which is good. However, it is important that it does not end here now, this should be the push-off; the springboard, so start from here and let it carry on right throughout our lives.



In sha Allah Hadhrat Moulana daamat barakaatuhum will be travelling to the Northern coast (6 Rabi ul Awwal 1435-9 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1435/ 8 January 2014-11 January 2014) and in sha Allah programmes shall be conducted (for ladies too). 
Hadhrat Moulana shall be visiting Tongat,Verulam, Chakaskraal, Stanger, Empangeni, Sherwood, Umhlanga and Phoenix, where an Islaahi Jalsa will be conducted, In sha Allahu Ta'ala.

For full programme details, CLICK HERE