Spiritual Constipation
(Part 3)
The important thing for us now is 'ibrat, the point of lesson:

When the animals-fowls are given struggle and all Allah's Rahmat then stops coming on you; and this is the condition of treatment with animals; then those people who treat the creation of Allah-mankind{Muslim or even non-Muslim}, whether it's your worker or your wife {who is like a prisoner in your house, she's in your Nikaah and she can't run away if she wants to}, what will happen? or your parents especially when they are aged, they brought you up, they put you on your feet, they gave you your education, now they are old and you treat them in a bad way?!
This is the cause of our problems in many many cases; treating other creation of Allah in a bad way and thinking we are better, this is where our problems come. So we have to be very careful. We have to make Taubah and where possible go ask those people for maaf, and where not possible, give some Sadaqa and pass the Thawaab to them {even if they are non-Muslim, they will get the benefit in Dunya}.
When just for the fowls that was the condition, then for these people what will be the condition??? Take a lesson!
Be very very careful in this, it is very important that we have respect for the creation of Allah Ta'ala.
May Allah Ta'ala assisst us all, Aameen.