Ramadhan O Ramadhan!
🔹 Ramadhaan mubarak is to remind that Ramadhan is coming. Prepare!..not with food and that...
🔹So easy, in Ramadhan every moment you getting reward- sleeping, walking because you in the state of fasting.
🔹This month is like spring. Green trees, beautifully coloured birds which you didn't see. All the orchards blooming green, such a soothing sight. Whatever type of farm...how beautiful. And just now it was winter, dry ground ...just like that in the 12 months our hearts were dry, even though we were doing our tilaawa etc. But now Ramadhan is coming you see people up before fajr in the Masjid doing dhor. ..getting geared up. TV box being shut down but it's the time to get it rid of it. We should get that excitement and anticipation.
🔹What virtues. Hearts and minds are enlightened. One feels not to do the wrong they were doing, for example shaving the beard.
🔹This is the month where we correct our amal and intentions. This month is filled with sincerity. no one knows of your roza(fasting). It's an inside 'Ibaada. Until you don't tell someone they won't know.
🔹The doors of all goodness are opened. A habitual drinker will give it up. A person that won't fast won't eat in public.
🔹Evils are shut down.
It's such a springboard that forces you to leave the evil.
🔹shayateen are fastened. Jahannum doors closed.
🔹If one doesn't read quran he feels guilty. He'll read even 10 paras if not a khatm or 5 khatms.
🔹Millions of people set free from jahannum iftar time.
🔹This guest has come to empty out its bag of goodness.
🔹The saliheen increase their good in this month and the evil ones cut down their evil in this month.
🔹Nafs is granted reward of fardh and fardh X 70.
What a season!
Masjids get full on the first night of Ramadhan. What is it ?
Allah made this month is like that, let us keep this momentum .
Now everyone is a buzurg in the house, tasbeehs in the hands, Quran all the time. This is not just by chance, it's the system of Allah.
One can see the Rahmat of Allah with the eyes of the head, not even of heart. No one in the world got this treasure as the Muslims. Work in it. This is a month for work. Then what is Eid!
🔹Fasting is prescribed so that we may gain taqwa.
Taqwa is that what Allah commands us to do we do and what Allah prohibited us from we stay away.
Allah is showing you you can stay away, you can have taqwa. From halal you can stay away.
Allah is the Murabbi here.
🔹If we waste the month and more worried of our food, eid shopping etc and even worse if we involved still in guna on our phone or whatever then we will be truly a deprived person.
🔹Increase your tilaawa in this month give your charity in this month,...
🔹From Hadith --that there are many people who stay hungry but get nothing of it, and Allah does not need our hunger. ..
🔹On the last night of Shabaan the famous Hadith if Nabi ( صلى الله عليه و سلم ) . ..this is the month of sabr of increasing actions, first 10 days of Rahma, second of maghfirah and 3rd of emancipation of fire.