Monday, 27 February 2017

12 years wages!

Awwabeen Namaaz

Awwabeen is another name for “Tawwabeen”. Tawwabeen means a person who makes alot of Taubah. And just like we speak; Makkah--Bakkah, Mumbai—Bombay, like that- Awwabeen--Tawwabeen, it is the same Namaaz. The person who makes alot of Taubah -Allah loves.

ان الله يحب التوابين”
Allah loves those people tremendously; who make alot of taubah. 

التٌائِبُ مِنَ الذَّنبِ كَمَنْ لَا ذَنبَ لَه”
A person who makes taubah of his gunah is like a person who committed no gunah whatsoever.

التَّائِبُ حَبِيْبُ الله
A person who makes taubah is the Beloved of Allah Tabaarak wa Ta’ala.
It's also from “Awwaah”. Awwah means the great lovers of Allah Ta'ala. So by making Awwabeen we will be included in those people who make a lot of Taubah. We will be included in those people who are counted amongst the lovers of Allah Ta'ala.
Awwabeen Namaaz is from six to twenty rakaats. After Maghrib Namaaz- 6-20. In one Riwayat it comes clearly that a person who reads six rak’ats after the Fardh of Maghrib, his Awwabeen will be made.
Our Sheikh Rahmatullah alayh used to explain this, that Maghrib Namaaz; Alhamdulillah; the Ummat reads. After that, two Sunnat Muakkada everyone reads also and after that two Nafls everyone reads also. Famous in the Ummat-Maghrib is seven Rak’ats: 3 fardh + 2 Sunnat Muakkada = 5+ 2 Nafl = 7. So 4 we are reading after the fardh, we just have to add 2 more and then it becomes 6, and that's the minimum amount of Awwabeen!

So if we will do that; it comes in the Hadith Sharif; a person who makes Awwabeen gets the reward of twelve years Ibaadat.

To understand this practically in our terms and our understanding:

You are working for somebody and the boss told you there is a special customer who has come in from very far and he really buys very good. If you just stay five minutes extra (to make two rak’ats namaaz won’t even take us five minutes) you just stay five minutes and I’ll give you twelve years wages. So if that person is getting a wage of R10 000 a month; R120 000 for the year!

How much! almost two and half million rand just for that five minutes. And this is just an example, what Allah will give! what is two and half million rand? What is two and half million dollars/riyals? nothing whatsoever!

So just that little bit; make that two more rak’ats and 12 years of Ibaadat. And not only that, if you make Awwabeen Namaaz; it comes in the riwayat; if your sins are equal to all the foam of the seas of the world, Allah Ta’ala will forgive them.

To understand this in our times:

If a person has got so much debts; billions and trillions and quadrillions; all the foam of the sea, so much, but here Allah says, you just stay on that two minutes more; make your two rak’ats to make it six; the minmum of Awwabeen and I will write off all those debts of yours. So easy. That we can get all our sins forgiven if there are equal to all the foam of the oceans of the world.
Ulama say that for major sins we should make Taubah, proper Taubah and that this refers to minor sins. But anyway in the Hadith- all your sins will be forgiven.

So great virtues. Just by making that two Rak'ats more and it will be included in six. This is according to Muhadditheen. Fuqaha say, the six will be separate from the two Sunnat Muakkada. For safety sake, on special occasions like Ramadhan, make six separate; after two Sunnat Muakkada make another six, but in sha Allah by just making that six also. And that was the mizaaj of our Shaikh and of our Silsilah; Haji Imdaadullah Muhajir Makki Rahmatullah Alayh; they look for all the suhulat-the easy ways.

So two Sunnat Muakkada we are making, two nafls we are making, just add two more and it is our six and we will get this great reward! May Allah Ta'ala give us Taufiq.

Saturday, 25 February 2017