Tuesday, 16 February 2016

We Only Have One True Support

We only Have One True Support

Our Beloved Hadhrat دامت بركاتهم  mentions the following beautiful story:

Once Hadhrat Zun Noon Misri رحمة الله عليه was sitting at the river bank when He saw a scorpion from the shore jump onto the back of a frog which was in the water, as if it was a taxi service.
The frog swam and when it reached the other side of the river,  the scorpion jumped off and raced off into the jungle.

The scorpion went to a drunk man; a prince he saw; who was foaming from the mouth also and there was a snake lurking above. The scorpion went straight and bit the snake and removed it's poison before it could do anything harmful to the  prince.
So Hadhrat Zun Noon  Misri رحمة الله عليه saw all this and in amazement asked Allah Ta'ala, what is this....?

Allah Ta'ala replied, O Zun Noon, if We only look after the pious, who will look after the sinners?

So we see that it is only Allah who is there for everyone, all the time. At this moment who is looking after our eyes, spinal cord, liver etc.?
Who is looking after the people in aeroplanes, Who is looking after the people in the ships?

It is only Allah who is the Support of everyone

From before birth, from the moment He enters the Ruh into our body, till after death, when all our loved ones;those who care for us; will dig our graves with their own hands and will place the planks over us also themselves and no one will stay longer than ten fifteen minutes after we buried, all will leave and only Allah will be still with us.

So in this world, besides this 'aah', plead from the heart, we've got no other support.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

True Love

True Love

A Quality of the Lover of Allah Ta'ala is that He sits in privacy and just enjoys to be in the presence of Allah Ta'ala.

Our Hadhrat دامت بركاتهم mentioned the following story so beautifully (briefly though, the story in detail is reproduced hereunder) :

A trader in the city of Nishapur had purchased an extremely beautiful Turkish slave girl for a thousand dinars (gold coins). One day he had to go on a journey, but did not know to whom he could entrust the girl. Then it occurred to him to request Hadhrat Abu Uthmaan (Rahmatullah alayh) on whom he had great confidence.  He asked Hadhrat Abu Uthmaan to keep the girl among his womenfolk until he returned. However, Abu Uthmaan refused.  But, the trader persisted with his request saying that there is no one else to whom he could entrust the girl. Finally, he agreed to accept the girl into his house where she remained with the womenfolk. 
One day, accidentally his gaze fell on the girl. That very moment he was captivated by her stunning beauty. He was beyond himself in love with the girl.  He though that the only 
way  for him to be saved from this calamity was to go to seek the aid of his Shaikh, Hadhrat  Abu Hafs Haddaad (Rahmatullah alayh).  

He  met his Shaikh and explained his plight. Hadhrat Abu Hafs Haddaad  advised him to go to Hadhrat Yusuf Bin Husain (Rahmatullah alayh), for he will be able to proffer the proper advice for this calamity. Thus, Hadhrat Abu Uthmaan set off on the journey to the city of Ray.  When he arrived in Ray he made enquiries about the whereabouts of Hadhrat Yusuf Bin Husain. The people said: “You appear to be a decent person, a Sufi. It is lamentable that you want to meet that man who is a mulhid, zindeeq and extremely evil. Do you also want to ruin yourself in his company?”  

When he heard this, Abu Uthmaan was greatly perplexed, and he   returned to Nishapur. He went straight to his Shaikh who asked: “Did you meet Yusuf Bin Husain?” Abu Uthmaan explained what had transpired.  Since the love of the girl was overwhelming in Abu Uthmaan, his Shaikh again instructed him to go to Ray and meet Hadhrat Yusuf Bin Husain.  Thus, he again set off for Ray. 

On reaching Ray, he again enquired about Yusuf Bin Husain’s whereabouts. This time the people condemned and criticized him even more. Nevertheless, Abu Uthmaan (Rahmatullah alayh) said that he had some important work with him. Then the people directed him to the residence of Hadhrat Yusuf Bin Husain.

When he came to Hadhrat Yusuf Bin Husain’s house, the door was open. He saw a man whose face was radiant with noor. However, a young lad was sitting nearby and a bottle of wine was in front of Hadhrat Yusuf Bin Husain. Hadhrat Abu Uthmaan was bewildered. He greeted. Hadhrat Yusuf Bin Husain responded and began with a discourse. The effect of his discourse was so profound that Abu Uthmaan became unconscious. After he regained conscious, he said:

“O Khwaajah, why have you adopted this way of life. Despite such wonderful talks pertaining to transcendental realities and subtleties, you keep a bottle of wine and a young lad by you.” Hadhrat Yusuf Bin Husain said: “This is my son. I teach him the Qur’aan.  People are unaware of him, and in this bottle is water.” Hadhrat Abu Uthmaan said: “For Allah’s sake explain this mystery. Why have you adopted this manner? People are reviling you so terribly because of this. I cannot even repeat what they have said about you. So what is the reason for this pretence?” He responded: “So that no one brings their Turkish girl to me to be kept in trust in my home.” Hadhrat Abu Uthmaan (Rahmatullah alayh) fell at the feet of Hadhrat Yusuf Bin Husain. He had now recognized the lofty status of Hadhrat Yusuf Bin Husain (Rahmatullah alayh). The effect of the carnal love had evaporated.

This is how the True Lovers of Allah Ta'ala were, they did not try to show. 

Haji Imdaadullah Muhaajir Makki رحمة الله عليه would say(something to this effect) : "I feel like doing something so I look like a big sinner and the people then leave me alone"