Friday, 7 August 2015

Incident to take lesson from

Do not judge anyone

Imaam Ghazaali has written that a certain person passed away in a certain village. He was an evil person who would come home at one o’ clock in a state of intoxication. He was involved in every form of sin such as gambling, womanising, and every sin that one can imagine.

When he passed away, no one attended his Janaazah. Three days had passed in this manner. The wife then hired four labourers to take his body, give him Ghusl in the manner you know how to give Ghusl, If there is someone available to perform Janaazah Salaah then it should be performed else he should be buried without Janaazah. After giving him Ghusl, they took him to the Qabrastaan (graveyard).

Allah inspired a Buzurg of the time that there is a Wali of mine at the Qabrastaan (graveyard), go and perform his Janaazah Salaah. When he proceeded for the Janaazah, the people of the entire town went for the Janaazah Salaah. When they reached the graveyard, they saw this evil person. Nevertheless, they performed the Janaazah Salaah, buried him and proceeded to his house to enquire about him.

They said that we knew him to be a terrible person to such an extent that no person was prepared to perform his Janaazah Salaah. She said, “I also knew him to be such a person.” However, he had possessed two qualities within him. He always kept an orphan child in the house. Before he ate, the orphan must eat. He would purchase clothing for the orphan first and then for himself. The second quality that he possessed was that he would take a cold bath in the early hours of the morning (at the time of Tahajjud) and cry before Allah . He would say, “O llah, I am so bad, my Taubah breaks daily, which corner of Jahannam have you reserved for me?”

A person that makes Taubah and Istighfaar is not written as a sinner by Allah . We are involved in big sins yet we do not even consider them to be sin. So, on his Taubah, Allah had granted him a lofty position.