Monday, 25 May 2015

O You Saint!

Oh You Saint!

Every sinner got a future, don't ever write him off, give him a chance, let home get to his future.

And every saint has a past--you went to high school......
So don't be proud- you got a history.

Remedy for Pride

Remedy for pride: make shukr. ( thank Allah Ta'ala)

You see Takabbur(being proud) takes you far from Allah Ta'ala.  And 
Tashakkur(being thankful) takes you closer to Allah Ta'ala.
And so these two can't come together!

Takabbur is when you feel "I did" and "I achieved" and you truly didn't! You are claiming something without any right to.
And Tashakkur is when you feel that Allah Ta'ala did it, (and this is true, undoubtedly) so this is a simple answer for takabbur.

The Three Registers

The Three Registers

When a person dies, one of three registers are opened for him for his name to be entered in:

*the first register is the register of the kuffar, for whom there is total destruction.

*the second register is that of the Believers who committed gunas(sins) and did not make taubah(repent) from these sins, they will be punished first and then only will they reach Jannah.
For them will be humiliation on the Day of Qiyaamah.

*the third register is the one of the righteous and pious, who stayed away from gunas and if by chance fell in, they made taubah from all their gunas. 

Dua: O Allah, at all times, and at the time of Maut, let there be not one guns in my records. i am so bad i can't do one good but so many gunas, out of Your Mercy change all my gunas into good deeds.

~feeling very ashamed on presenting this very weak effort in trying to fulfill the desire of my Hadhrat daamat baraakaatuh, please overlook my weaknesses and shortcomings and O Allah please accept my broken efforts~