Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Maaliki Yaumid Deen

Bi IsmiHi SubhaanaHu wa Ta'ala

We should always remember that Allah is the king of the day of Qiyaamah. He is not a Judge (Qaadhi) of the day of Qiyaamah. A judge that sits in court is bound to the law and the evidence that he gathers. He then issues a verdict accordingly. On the contrary the owner has the free will to do as he wishes without any restrictions whatsoever. He is not answer able to anyone. When Allah is the owner of the day of Qiyaamah then he has the ability to forgive whomsoever he wishes without being questioned. Another quality of Allah is that He is Most beneficient and Most merciful thus He forgives as He wishes, therefore we do not know the condition of another person.  

(From: The Importance of Istighfaar)

Clean and tidy Garden

Bi IsmiHi SubhaanaHu wa Ta'ala

Once Hadhrat  Maulana Abrarul- Haq Saheb had visited a certain person that owned a small piece of land in front of his house ,  which could have been used as a garden. This area was very untidy and not taken care of. The neighbours garden was well maintained. 

Hadhrat  Maulana commented  by  saying,  “This  person  hasn’t  employed  a gardener whereas the neighbour had employed a gardener therefore his garden is clean and tidy. 
Similarly, a person that has a Sheikh will have a Deen that is beautiful. If a person  does not have a Sheikh, then all the (spiritual) dirt will accumulate. When a person looks at the neighbour’s garden, he feels nice ,  as it is well maintained and beautiful. However, he will not enjoy looking at his garden as it is untidy and in ruins. 
Hadhrat  then explained that in worldly matters we endeavour for the best. A person wants the best clothing, car, house, etc. There is no harm in possessing the best clothing, car, house etc. However, much more important is that a person should have a Deen that is beautiful. Our recitation of Quraan Sharif should be beautiful. We should be concerned of our Deen.  

{From: The Importance of Protecting One's Tongue)

Friday, 13 February 2015

Who's in charge?❓

Make your brains the master and make your passions the slave.
{Your brains should be slave of shari'ah}