Benefit of The Silsilah
In this weeks Tuesday majliis, Moulana Daamat Barakatuhum mentioned that Haji Imdaadullah RahmatullahAlayh made Dua that whoever enters into this silsila Allah Ta'ala should give them a good Maut (death).
Alhamdulillah the acceptance of this Dua has been clearly shown; Our Friend Moulana Ahmed Seedat (known for his excellent recitations) passed away last Friday.
SubhanAllah! and what a death! About fifteen to twenty minutes before leaving this world, Moulana was repeating the Kalima-As'hadu allaa Ilaha IlAllah....Then Moulana raised his hands and said {something to this effect} "where are you going, take me with you" Moulana's Mother then said something to which Moulana replied with an answer which clearly showed that there was a third-party present. Who could this have been? Allah alone knows but it appears as if Moulana was conversing with the Angels! SubhanAllah! and to complete the excellence; it was The Mubaarak day of Jumu'ah!
Allahu Akbar! Allah is truly the Greatest!
May Allah Ta'ala bless us all with such a Wonderful Ending too. May Allah Ta'ala raise Moulana Ahmad's ranks and elevate Moulana's status, May Allah Ta'ala transform his grave into a garden from the Gardens of Jannah, and grant Moulana's family a good reward and sweet patience. Aameen, thumma Aameen.