Qur'aan Kareem
Nowadays people use the Qur'aan for competitions, entertainment; actually the recitation of the Qur'aan Kareem is to soften the heart. Moulana advises us to use itr before reading Qur'aan.
Read with feeling and then it will have an effect on you; whether you have an undertanding or not.
When reciting the Qur'aan Shareef one should make the following intentions:
* Ibaadah- Qur'aan is one of the greatest forms of Ibaadah
* Earning thawaab for the Aakhira
* For Hidaaya (guidance)
* Gaining closeness to Allah Ta'ala- this is the greatest thikr
* If one is a Haafidh, then keeping dhor- keeping hifdh in order
How ever many niyyats you made thats the amount of thawaab you'll get.