Durood Shareef
It takes a few seconds to recite one durood and the result is that:
Allah Ta'ala sends 10 duroods upon you
Allah Ta'ala and the angels send 10 salaams upon you
10 thawaabs (rewards) are written
10 sins are forgiven
Your status in the hereafter is raised 10 stages
You receive the duaas of 10 angels
Moulana urges us to read alot of Durood Shareef. The minimum amount we should be reciting is 10 a day, we should have this amount for about 40 days, then slowly increase it, to 25 then 50 then 100. An average Muslim should be sending 100 duroods on Nabi SallAllahu alayHi wa sallam, daily.
If it was not for Rasoolullah sallAllahu alyHi wa sallam we would not have been in existence. Nabi sallAllahu alayHi wa sallam is a Rahma for the world. We should praise Rasoolullah sallAllahu alayHi wa sallam and thank Him by sending durood.